Thursday, September 3, 2020
Setting Up and Validating Radio Buttons
Setting Up and Validating Radio Buttons The arrangement and approval of radio catches has all the earmarks of being the structure field that gives numerous website admins the most trouble in setting up. In established truth the arrangement of these fields is the most straightforward of all structure fields to approve as radio catches set one worth that solitary should be tried when the structure is submitted. The trouble with radio catches is that there are in any event two and generally more fields that should be set on the form,â related together and tried as one gathering. Given that you utilize the right naming shows and design for your catches, you won't experience any difficulty. Arrangement the Radio Button Group The main thing that to see when utilizing radio catches on our structure is the way the catches should be coded with the end goal for them to work appropriately as radio catches. The ideal conduct we need is to have just each catch chosen in turn; when one catch is chosen then any recently chosen catch will be consequently deselected. The arrangement here is to give the entirety of the radio catches inside the gathering a similar name however various qualities. Here is simply the code utilized for theâ radio button. input typeradio namegroup1 idr1 value1/input typeradio namegroup1 idr2 value2/input typeradio namegroup1 idr3 value3/ The formation of various gatherings of radio catches for the one structure is additionally clear. You should simply to give the second gathering of radio catches with an alternate name to that utilized for the main gathering. The name field figures out which bunch that a specific catch has a place with. The worth that will be passed for a particular gathering when the structure is submitted will be the estimation of the catch inside the gathering that is chosen at the time that the structure is submitted. Portray Each Button All together for the individual rounding out the structure to understandâ what each radio catch in our gathering does, we have to give depictions to each fasten. The most straightforward approach to do this is to give a depiction as text quickly following the catch. There are a few problemsâ with simply utilizing plain content, in any case: The content might be outwardly connected with the radio catch, yet it may not be obvious to some who use screen perusers, for example.à In most UIs utilizing radio fastens, the content related with the catch is interactive and ready to choose its related radio catch. For our situation here, the content won't work along these lines except if the content is explicitly connected with the catch. Partner Text with a Radio Button To associateâ the text with its relating radio catch so that tapping on the content will choose that button, we have to make a further expansion to the code for each catch by encompassing the whole catch and its related content inside a mark. Here is the thing that the total HTML for one of the catches would resemble: input typeradio namegroup1 idr1 value1/name forr1 button one/name As the radio catch with the id name alluded to in the for boundary of the name tag is really contained inside the label itself, the for and id boundaries are repetitive in certain programs. Theirâ browsers, be that as it may, are frequently not brilliant enough to perceive the settling, so it merits placing them in to augment the quantity of programs in which theâ code will work. That finishes the coding of the radio catches themselves. The last advance is to set up the radio catch approval utilizing JavaScript. Arrangement Radio Button Validation Approval of gatherings of radio catches may not be self-evident, yet it is direct once you know how. The accompanying capacity will approve that one of the radio catches in a gathering has been chosen: /Radio Button Validation//copyright Stephen Chapman, fifteenth Nov 2004,14th Sep 2005//you may duplicate this capacity however please keep the copyright notice with itfunction valButton(btn) { à var cnt - 1; à for (var ibtn.length-1; I - 1; I) { à if (btn[i].checked) {cnt I; I - 1;} à } à if (cnt - 1) return btn[cnt].value; à else return null;} To utilize the above capacity, call it from inside your structure approval routine and pass it the radio catch bunch name.à It will restore the estimation of the catch inside the gathering that is chosen, or return an invalid worth if no catch in the gathering is chosen. For instance, here isâ the code that will play out the radio catch approval: var btn valButton(form.group1);if (btn invalid) alert(No radio catch selected);else alert(Button esteem btn chose); This code was incorporated into the capacity called by an onClick occasion appended to the approve (or submit) button on the structure. A reference to the entire structure was passed as a boundary into the capacity, which utilizes the structure contention to allude to the total structure. To approve the radio catch bunch with the name group1 we, accordingly, pass form.group1 to the valButton work. The entirety of the radio catch bunches that you will ever need can be dealt with utilizing the means secured previously.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Characterization in The Scarlet Letter Essay Example For Students
Portrayal in The Scarlet Letter Essay Nathaniel Hawthorne was conceived in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804. After his graduation from Bowdoin College in Maine, he immediately turned into a notable creator of artistic stories concerning early American life. Somewhere in the range of 1825 and 1850, he built up his ability by composing short fiction, and he increased global distinction for his anecdotal novel The Scarlet Letter in 1850 (Clendenning 118). Rufus Wilmot Griswold stated,The trivial outfit and lively activity of the account of stylish life are effectively portrayed by the drilled sketcher, however a work like The Scarlet Letter comes gradually upon the canvas, where interests are coexisted and overlaid with the excellent elaboration with which the most stupendous impacts are delivered in pictural arrangement and shading. (Griswold 352)Throughout the novel, Hawthorne uncovers character using symbolism and metaphor.In the main Chapter of The Scarlet Letter, The Prison-Door, the peruser is promptly acquainted with the individuals of Puritan Boston. Hawthorne starts to build up the character of the average folks so as to assemble the state of mind of the story. The main sentence starts, A crowd of hairy men, in pitiful shaded pieces of clothing and dim, steeple-delegated caps, intermixed with ladies, some wearing hoods, and others bareheaded, was amassed before a wooden structure, the entryway of which was vigorously timbered with oak, and studded with iron spikes (Hawthorne 45). Hawthornes utilization of striking visual pictures and his Aaccumulation of sincerely weighted subtleties (Baym xii) makes compassion toward the not yet presented character, Hester Prynne, and makes a quick comprehension of the cruelty of the Puritanic code in the individuals. The pictures made give the opportunity to envision whatever involves trouble and dreariness of character for the peruser; Hawthorne doesn't, be that as it may, permit the peruser to envision indulgent or lively people.Nathaniel Hawthornes expressiv e differentiation of the prison and its hostage, Hester Prynne, likewise makes a compassion toward the rising detainee. The terrible edificewas effectively set apart with climate stains and different signs old enough, which gave a yet darker perspective to its scarab seared and bleak front (Hawthorne 45). The delineation of the prison underlines its offensiveness, and the psychological pictures framed in the brain of the peruser recommend a part of anguish and languishing. Be that as it may, Hester Prynnes starting depiction splendidly differentiates the prisons. Hester was tall, with a figure of flawless eleganceshe had dim and plentiful hair, so polished that it lost daylight with a glimmer (50). Her face was delightful from consistency of highlight and lavishness of composition (50). In every physical sense, Hester was an excellent lady having nobility and beauty. The conspicuous difference between the offensiveness of the prison and Hesters brilliant magnificence not just carrie s the peruser to feel compassion toward the wonderful lady who had to endure in such a terrible spot, yet it likewise makes interest regarding why such a lady of evident social polish was kept to the jail at all.Hawthornes depiction of Governor Bellinghams manor utilizes words to make distinctive pictures inside the perusers mind. The mind boggling portrayal of within Bellinghams manor characterizes the presence of the house, yet in addition the inward character of the occupant. The house was currently greenery developed, disintegrating to rot, and despairing on a basic level with the numerous troubled or glad events, recollected or overlooked, that have occurred, and died, inside their gloomy chambers. As the peruser continues through the content, the individual learns of the character of Bellingham as one of inward unrest that covers itself with outward excellence, unconventionality, and style. The quality of the chateau likewise accidentally demonstrate the character of Governor Bellingham, in regard to his realism and his briskness to parade his assets. The essence of the chateau had been designed so that, when the daylight fell aslant-wise over the front of the building, it sparkled and shone as though precious stones had ben flung against it by the twofold bunch (90). Later in the novel, the peruser experiences Bellingham wearing contemporary, enhancing attire demonstrative of his high economic wellbeing, yet his internal identity is in a territory of unrest.Hawthornes dexterous utilization of analogy all through The Scarlet Letter incredibly stresses the elements of the characters. By contrasting the qualities of the characters with things totally inconsequential to them, Hawthorne makes messages that are verbally mysterious by normal depictions. The utilization of representation permits the peruser to build up a more profound enthusiastic comprehension of the mental and physical attributes of each character. For instance, Pearl is alluded to as one of those devious elfs or pixies ora little fledgling of red plumage (97). The examination of Pearl to an awesome animal, for example, a mythical being includes a feeling of distance and puzzle to her character, and it makes a sentiment of unusual disarray toward her. At the point when she is contrasted with a red tinted winged creature, the accentuation of shading expands the visual feeling of Pearls character, and the correlation with a feathered creature shows that she is loaded with wild vitality. Pearl is additionally portrayed as a flawless and eternal bloom (80). By relating Pearl to a delicate, sensitive bloom, Hawthorne creates and enthusiastic air of Pearls fragility, womanliness, and faultless magnificence that dominates her disorderly temperament.Hawthornes effectuation of portrayal by utilizing symbolism and illustration to further his potential benefit enormously expands the gauge of The Scarlet Letter. He utilizes symbolism to frame mental pictures inside the brain of the peruser that convey certain undertones of fear, narcissism, riddle, or some other scope of feeling. The scene-painting is unadulterated, extreme, and honest (Smiles 266) and adds extraordinary profundity to the novel. Hawthornes utilization of similitude adds measurement to the novel by adjoining dissimilar to things to make new significance and energy about characteristics of characters, and subsequently, a more profound comprehension of hidden thought processes and mind. Many-sided and systematic portrayal is vital to get a handle on the full importance of a narrative.Works CitedBaym, Nina. Presentation. The Scarlet Letter. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. New York City: Penguin Books USA, Inc. 1986.Clendenning, John. Nathaniel Hawthorne. The World Book Encyclopedia. 1989 ed.Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. The Scarlet Letter. The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors. Ed. Charles Wells Moulton. Gloucester, Massachusetts: Peter Smith Publishing, 1959. 341-371.Hawthorne, Nat haniel. The Scarlet Letter. New York: Penguin Books USA Inc., 1986.Smiles, Samuel. The Scarlet Letter. The Critical Temper. Ed. Martin Tucker. New York City: Frederick Ungar Publishing Company, 1962. 266. .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d , .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d .postImageUrl , .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d , .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d:hover , .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d:visited , .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d:active { border:0!important; } .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d:active , .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: r elative; } .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content adornment: underline; } .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content design: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u1f701de1d8246 c89c59619548ee2968d .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u1f701de1d8246c89c59619548ee2968d:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Contentions For And Against Essay
Friday, August 21, 2020
Extension Essay Samples - Create Your Own Comprehension Quotations
Extension Essay Samples - Create Your Own Comprehension QuotationsIB Computer Science Extended Essay Samples helps you prepare for exams by providing practice question and exam practice options. The software gives students the ability to answer such questions with clear, concise and precise answers that assist in improving the student's comprehension skills.This course enables students to master the computer science concepts taught in the IB Computer Science syllabus. The topics covered include programming languages, databases, visual display languages, computer architectures, computers and internet technology.This course is focused on teaching students how to program and design computer programs and systems. It is a great way to teach computer science and engineers in any school or college.An extended essay will help you realize your goals by focusing on writing content for the IB College Admissions Exams. Written content helps the test takers focus on the subject matter while being able to achieve their goal of getting accepted to an institution of higher learning. In short Extended Essay Samples provides students with a better understanding of subjects related to their prospective schools.A well-written extended essay has a strong foundation that makes it unique and easy to comprehend. IB Extended Essay Samples is designed to enhance writing skills and writing concepts. Students will find that even with fewer writing exercises, they are able to write more effectively.Many students find that their advanced level writing has a difficult time writing something short. With Extended Essay Samples, students can always find the time to write their essay. No matter what their time constraints, they are confident that Extended Essay Samples will help them create a powerful essay on a topic they are passionate about.By using a sample exam format, students will be able to practice for the IB CollegeEntrance Examination (commonly referred to as CEE). It is important to note that you must take and pass your test, or you can't pass your college.An extended essay will help you become familiar with the format required by the test and enable you to succeed when it comes to studying and preparing for your exam. Extended Essay Samples will prepare you for the exam, so you can prove to the admissions committee at your college or university that you have indeed been following your course.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
How Restaurants Can Best Use The Current Technological Trends - 825 Words
How Restaurants Can Best Use The Current Technological Trends (Essay Sample) Content: Studentââ¬â¢s Name: Professorââ¬â¢s Name: Course: Date: Restaurant Marketing Recently, technology has had a massive impact on business. No matter the size of the market or operations, the internet has had both tangible and intangible benefits. One of the areas that people have not utilized the advantages of technology to the optimum is the food industry. This blog post will specifically focus on how restaurants can best use the current technological trends to keep their businesses booming both locally and internationally. Online ordering has become one of the most demanded services by customers in the hotel industry (O'Neill). This applies to both restaurants offering takeout and table-serving services. Online services are the best option for entrepreneurs who want to save their customers from making the long queues or waiting on the line to make orders. With the online ordering systems, the clients get the chance of ordering any kind of food from the comfort of their homes. They can leisure do so while surfing the internet. The lack of pressure when rushing to the restaurants or making phone calls to order can encourage one to request extra items. This will therefore increase the sales of the store. Also, the days when people ordered food through making a voice call are long gone. The main reason being the numerous limitations that come along with this traditional method. Firstly, there is a number of barriers to effective communication that may make the process hard. For example, in case the customer is in a loud place, the message will be distorted, and the person receiving the order may end up sending the wrong food. This will eventually lead to wastage of food and resources hence losses to your business. Some customers also find that making calls only makes their phone line tied. Online ordering eliminates all these variables. Data tracking can be made easy and efficient if you decide to go digital. The obvious logic behind this is that your website will keep all the records after every sale. Additionally, some websites have been integrated in such a way that the administrator gets all the financial records, hence doing away with the tedious bookkeeping that was traditionally done manually. Also, the information collected on the internet can provide a basis for checking the customer satisfaction and hence help the restaurant in improving on the weaker areas. Apart from the online ordering, the internet enables restaurants to adopt digital Point-on-Sale (POS) systems. In developed nations, this technology has been widely adopted in the hospitality industry. An alternative to this is the Electronic Register System, but many people prefer the POS since they have become more sophisticated recently. An example of a POS is the Digital Dining where potential customers get an opportunity to view the menu online, place orders, or make reservations and pay for themselves easily. To make this easier, the restaurants have integrated the systems on tabletop tablets. That brings us to our next discussion which is the customer-facing tabletop tablets. To match the competition from rivals, restaurants are widely leveling up their ordering game by using devices such as tablets. Clients get a chance to view and place an order from a digital menu. They can then easily and safely pay on a touchscreen tablet, using their debit or credit cards. Clients prefer this type of method since it offers some degree of privacy, making customer ordering one of the most important types of technology. Self-ordering technology first started with Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) that became too popular as many people welcomed the idea. This enabled customers to place their orders just with a simple click on a mobile application. Another similar program was the Taco Bell that provided the same services. After they were first used, the restaurants recorded an average of 20% increase in the total revenues (ââ¬Å"Interactive Wallsâ⬠). This is done by comparing the sales made online and the traditional one using cashiers. Therefore, self-service technologies have been received p...
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Great Depression Of Sylvia Plath - 869 Words
In the 1930s many life altering events were occurring, like the Great Depression. During that time some 13 to 15 million Americans were unemployed and nearly half of Americaââ¬â¢s banks had failed. These events led to many hardships and widespread unemployment and poverty. While these events were occurring, Sylvia Plath was born on October 27, 1932 in Boston, Massachusetts. Her parents met while her mother, Aurelia Schober, was a student at Boston University, where her father, Otto Plath, taught German and biology. The two were married in January 1932, and had Sylvia nine months later. Since she was born while the Great Depression, was occurring, one could say her life was not off to a great start and the ending of her life was also not ideal. Sylvia was no longer an only child, when her brother Warren was born in 1935. Soon after his birth, Ottoââ¬â¢s health began to decline. Sylvia blossomed early in the way she noticed everything. She love the power and beauty of the sea tha t was located close to where her family lived. She also was mesmerized by her fatherââ¬â¢s ability to handle bees, even though he did not treat her well. Sylvia was a week and a half from being eight when her father died of lung cancer because he waited too late to seek help. People were astonished that Otto would have let it get this far. One of his friends even asked ââ¬Å"How could such a brilliant man have been so stupid?â⬠Ottoââ¬â¢s death probably was confusing to Sylvia, because she was so young but also becauseShow MoreRelatedContributions Of Sylvia Plath1302 Words à |à 6 PagesThroughout the decades many great poets and writers have influenced and impacted the literature that we read today. Henrik Ibsenââ¬â¢s pivotal work regarding social and moral issues of his day and Sigmund Freudââ¬â¢s writing pertaining to peoplesââ¬â¢ mental health are just a few of examples of profound writers who contributed to the growth and development of literature. Sylvia Plath was also a profound writer and one of the most respected poets and prose writer of her time as well. She was once described asRead MoreThe Cause Of Sylvia Plath s Depression1447 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Causes of Sylvia Plathââ¬â¢s Depression When reading any works by Sylvia Plath, it is easy to focus on the depression of her writing. However, it is important to understand why she wrote most her works about depression. Plath based her works on her own life experiences. Sylvia Plathââ¬â¢s most commonly known book, The Bell Jar, is thought to be an autobiography. Aurelia Plath, Sylviaââ¬â¢s mother, published the book Letters Home, a collection of all the letters Sylvia wrote to her mother. The letters sheRead MoreSylvia Plath s Literary Escape1203 Words à |à 5 PagesSylvia Plathââ¬â¢s Literary Escape Sylvia Plath wrote The Bell Jar to liberate her from her past. This novel is the autobiographical tale of a young Sylvia Plath. Through Esther Greenwood, Sylvia manages to narrate almost exactly her life story. This narration includes her college days, her stay at the all-womenââ¬â¢s college, her friendships with Doreen and Buddy Willard, her stay at a mental institution after a suicide attempt and even her deflowering. Sylvia penned the story in England under the pseudonymRead MoreThemes Evident in Sylvia Plath Poems1194 Words à |à 5 PagesThemes evident in Sylvia Plathââ¬â¢s poetry Sylvia Plath displays many themes in her work; however she has the tendency to conceal and dig her themes, metaphors, and symbols deep in her poetic words, which leaves us readers left to decipher them. Plath is a poet that conveys quite compelling emotions through her work and is both prodigious and petrifying while still gloomy and relieving. Though there are many themes to revisit, the more significant ones evident in her writing will be explored. MortalityRead MoreWriting Styles of Sylvia Plath Essay1277 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Life and Writings of Sylvia Plath After reading and discussing many poets and their written work, I have realized that not only pain, but any emotion that the poet is feeling, plays a large part in how the poems express themselves through their writing. I have chosen to explore Sylvia Plath and the poems she has written and how her pain and personal experiences have influenced her poetry. Similar to many other authors of the twentieth century, Sylvia Plathââ¬â¢s writing was influenced largelyRead MoreAmazing Poets Are Able To Write Their Innermost Feelings1276 Words à |à 6 Pagesfamous through her writings is Sylvia Plath, who was able to write throughout her difficult life. She wrote of deep topics, such as depression and suicide, but also wrote of common experiences that most people go through. Sylvia Plath explains her thoughts of pregnancy through her poem ââ¬Å"Metaphors.â⬠She does this by using puzzling riddles and comparisons. Her words make a reader think about what she is writing. Sylvia Plath is a famous writer, with a background of depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorderRead MoreTulips and Cut by Sylvia Plath903 Words à |à 4 Pagesââ¬Å"Cutâ⬠Sylvia Plath is a ââ¬Å"confessionalâ⬠who puts her own experiences in her works that were written during the eighteen century. Sylvia Plath was diagnosed with depression, but recovered when she first attempted suicide in college. In her marriage to Ted Hughes she fell back into depression, which led her to attempt suicide and again this time she died .During the twentieth century, women in American culture were treated as objects without a voice, and male dominance suppressed them. Plath uses allusionRead MoreAnalysis Of The Bell Jar By Sylvia Plath1385 Words à |à 6 Pagesfor the simple fact that they too, would like to have some sort of control over their what their readers know about them. In ââ¬Å"The Bell Jarâ⬠by Sylvia Plath, the main character, Esther, a girl who is based on Plath herself, finds herself struggling with depression and anxiety and plans to take her own life several times but can never follow through. Plath modified biographical details because sh e wanted to simplify the material to make it easier to understand, to emphasize any points she wanted toRead MoreAnalysis Of Mirror By Sylvia Plath1414 Words à |à 6 Pagesresses her childhood depression and her anger towards men, in ââ¬Å"Mirrorâ⬠when she reflects her adulthood depression and sorrow, and in her poem ââ¬Å"Lady Lazarusâ⬠when she explains her attempts and success at suicide and why she made those choices. When Plathââ¬â¢s father died, she did not know how to feel. When he passed away, Plath exclaims ââ¬Å"...we moved inland. Whereon those nine first years of my life sealed themselves off like a ship in a bottleâ⬠(Materer). When Plath lived down by the sea, she justRead MoreBiographical Interpretation Essay911 Words à |à 4 Pagesyour point of view; your opinions. In Sylvia Plathââ¬â¢s poem ââ¬Å"Daddyâ⬠, many could say that it was a about a hard relationship she had with her father, but how do we know? It could be about her father, husband, strong authority figure, or even God. But, as I read ââ¬Å"Daddyâ⬠I got the strong sense that it was mostly about her father. The poem suggests that she had either an unhealthy relationship with him or she was angry with him for leaving her. In the poem, Plath says ââ¬Å"I have always been scared of youââ¬
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Progressive Case Against Assisted Suicide - 1413 Words
Brittany Maynard was given six months to live after being diagnosed with the deadliest form of brain cancer; she had recently just turned 29. To make matters worse, doctors had told her she would suffer from the tumor in a slow and painful manner before succumbing to death. Maynard decided she would die on November 1, a few days after her husbandââ¬â¢s birthday under physician-assisted suicide. Unfortunately, she had to relocate from California, where her friends and family lived, to Oregon in order to fall under the ââ¬Å"Die With Dignityâ⬠act. According to, only four states in the whole country have legalized assisted suicide. Unfortunately, there are many like Maynard, who have to relocate and leave their home or go through a long and strenuous court battle to receive this treatment plant. This is due to the disapproval of physician-assisted suicide. Ana Acton, the Executive Director at FREED Center for Independent Living, is one of the many oppone nts against this practice. In ââ¬Å"The Progressive Case Against Assisted Suicide,â⬠published in, Acton argues against the practice of physician-assisted suicide. She begins her argument by declaring, ââ¬Å"Physician assisted suicide disproportionately affects the poor.â⬠With this in mind, she believes the underprivileged would take advantage of this practice because of their inability to pay for treatment. Also, in order to further argue her opposition towards physician-assisted suicide, she argues,Show MoreRelatedPhysician Assisted Suicide Should Be Legalized943 Words à |à 4 Pagesto commit suicide, but his mom resuscitated him both times. Therefore, Danny decided to starve himself to end his suffering once and for all (Grimminck). People such as Danny, cancer, and ALS patients, who are battling terminal illnesses, deserve the right to choose when enough is enough. Physician assisted suicide should be legalized because itââ¬â¢s the compassion ate thing to do, people deserve autonomy and because it is a better alternative. People may argue that physician assisted suicide is wrongRead MoreThe Debate Of Assisted Suicide1747 Words à |à 7 Pages The topic of assisted suicide is very controversial and is heavily debated upon all around the world. While physician assisted suicide is only legal in the Netherlands, Switzerland, and a few states in the U.S., it is illegally practiced widely by physicians and nurses, such as Dr. Jack Kevorkian. I first heard of physician assisted suicide when the death of Dr. Kevorkian, an assisted suicide advocate and a suicide aid, was on the news in 2011. Kevorkian assisted in the suicide of many patientsRead MoreMoral Question of Hastening the Death of a Terminally Ill Patient1220 Words à |à 5 Pagesregarding how to properly treat a individual who want to end there own life. Controversial views have always been made against those who suggest that terminally ill or incurably suffering people should be allowed to ask for and receive help to die if they so wish. The same set of arguments in opposition toward euthanasia is, that life is sacred and by legalizing physician assisted suicide would lead to abuses by the medical field. A fundamental question concerning hastening the death of a terminally illRead MoreAssisted Death And Voluntary Euthanasia1586 Words à |à 7 Pages SHOULD THE LAW BE REFORMED TO ALLOW ââ¬ËASSISTED DYINGââ¬â¢ FOR THE TERMINALLY ILL? To begin with, assisted dying remains highly topical and debated, both in the public and medical arena. Assisted death, incorporates both physician assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia. It gives the freedom to a terminally ill person or a mentally competent adult, to choose on their own free will and after meeting strict legal safeguards, takes prescribed medication which will end their life in dying. There are twoRead MoreLife Is Precious1350 Words à |à 6 Pagesshould be made legal for patients to have doctor-assisted suicide, or mercy-killing, which is the term used to describe ending life through the voluntary self-administration of lethal medication, expressly prescribed by a physician for that purpose (DHS-Internet). By approximately a two-to-one ratio, most adults in the US agree that it should be this way. When read a brief description of the Oregon proposition, allowing physician-assisted suicide for patients who are thought to have less than sixRead MoreEuthanasi Eut hanasia And Euthanasia1483 Words à |à 6 Pagesexplained through this quote, Euthanasia and medically assisted suicide to present a real danger. Although society refuses to see these dangers, euthanasia creates countless problems that shake society. Euthanasia remains a conditional based issue; therefore, the laws created rely on weak ideas that allow for easy manipulation, as can be seen through the mistakes and laws of the Netherlands and Belgium who legalized Euthanasia. Medically assisted suicide and Euthanasia use unethical ideology, and legalizationRead MoreAssisted Suicide : A Controversial Subject1224 Words à |à 5 PagesRichard Cantos Professor: Clerc Intro to Government 11/20/2014 Assisted suicide is a controversial subject that welcomes death over life and presents many ethical dilemmas. We are frequently confronted with situations that raise ethical and moral questioning in our lifetimes. Traumatic events, as witnessed in the cases of Terri Schiavo, Brittany Maynard and Dax Cowart, often leave an impression on one s mortality and fate. Decisions may leave us questioning our moral, ethical, and spiritual beliefsRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide1249 Words à |à 5 Pagescourse with no interference from humans? For years, physicsians have not been allowed to help patients with suicide. Dr. Jack Kevorkian brought it to the forefront when he was arrested and senteced to over 60 years in prison even though the families of his patients showed their gratitude towards him. Recent laws in Montana, Oregon, and Washington have started the trend of Physican assisted suicide, but the U.S Attorney Generalââ¬â¢s office, are determined to prevent such laws from passing. In the followingRead MoreEuthanasia Is Painless Killing Of A Patient1435 Words à |à 6 Pagesand painful disease or in an irreversible coma, also means to take a deliberate action with the express intention of ending a life to relieve intractable suffering. Some interpret as the practice of ending life in a mercy killing, assisted suicide, and soft slow suicide. There are two main classifications of euthanasia. There is Voluntary euthanasia which is conducted with consent. Where the patient decides for themselves to take the medication. Involuntary euthanasia is conducted without consentRead MoreMedical, Social And Ethical Reasons Essay1537 Words à |à 7 PagesSince the development of medicine, people have requested doctors to end suffering through physician assisted suicide (PAS) (Boudreau 1). PAS refers to the practice in which physicians knowingly provide an individual with the means and/or knowledge to commit suicide, which includes counselling about medication and prescribing or supplying such drugs (Pereira 1). In my opinion, terminally ill patients should be allowed to end their lives through PAS because it affords the patients the choice of whether
Feminism And Gender Equality Essay Example For Students
Feminism And Gender Equality Essay Overall, the rights and status of women have improved considerably in the lastcentury; however, gender equality has recently been threatened within the last decade. Blatantly sexist laws and practices are slowly being eliminated while social perceptions ofââ¬Å"womenââ¬â¢s rolesâ⬠continue to stagnate and even degrade back to traditional ideals. It isthese social perceptions that challenge the evolution of women as equal on all levels. Inthis study, I will argue that subtle and blatant sexism continues to exist throughouteducational, economic, professional and legal arenas. Women who carefully follow their expected roles may never recognize sexism asan oppressive force in their life. I find many parallels between womenââ¬â¢s experiences in thenineties with Betty Friedanââ¬â¢s, in her essay: The Way We Were 1949. She dealt with asociety that expected women to fulfill certain roles. Those roles completely disregardedthe needs of educated and motivated business women and scientific women. Actually, thesubtle message that society gave was that the educated woman was actually selfish andevil. I remember in particular the searing effect on me, who once intended to be apsychologist, of a story in McCallââ¬â¢s in December 1949 called ââ¬Å"A Weekend with Daddy.â⬠A little girl who lives a lonely life with her mother, divorced, an intellectual know-it-allpsychologist, goes to the country to spend a weekend with her father and his new wife,who is wholesome, happy, and a good cook and gardener. And there is love andlaughter and growing flowers and hot clams and a gourmet cheese omelet and squaredancing, and she doesnââ¬â¢t want to go home. But, pitying her poor mother typing away allby herself in the lonesome apartment, she keeps her guilty secret that from now on shewill be living for the moments when she can escape to that dream home in the countrywhere they know ââ¬Å"what life is all about.â⬠(See Endnote #1)I have often consulted my grandparents about their experiences, and I find theirhistorical perspective enlightening. My grandmother was pregnant with h er third child in1949. Her work experience included: interior design and modeling womenââ¬â¢s clothes forthe Sears catalog. I asked her to read the Friedan essay and let me know if she felt asmoved as I was, and to share with me her experiences of sexism. Her immediate reactionwas to point out that ââ¬Å"Betty Friedan was a college educated woman and she had certaingoals that never interested me.â⬠My grandmother, though growing up during a timewhen women had few social rights, said she didnââ¬â¢t experience oppressive sexism in herlife. However, when she describes her life accomplishments, I feel she has spent most ofher life fulfilling the expected roles of women instead of pursuing goals that were mostlyreserved for men. Unknowingly, her life was controlled by traditional, sexist valuesprevalent in her time and still prevalent in the nineties.Twenty-four years after the above article from McCallââ¬â¢s magazine was written, theSupreme Court decided whether women sho uld have a right to an abortion in Roe v. Wade (410 U.S. 113 (1973)). I believe the decision was made in favor of womenââ¬â¢s rightsmostly because the court made a progressive decision to consider the woman as a humanwho may be motivated by other things in life than just being a mother. Justice Blackmundelivered the following opinion:Maternity, or additional offspring, may force upon the woman a distressful life andfuture. Psychological harm may be imminent. Mental and physical health may be taxedby child care. There is also a distress, for all concerned, associated with the unwantedchild, and there is the problem of bringing a child into a family already unable,psychologically and otherwise, to care for it. In other cases, as in this one, theadditional difficulties and continuing stigma of unwed motherhood may be involved. (See Endnote #2)I feel the court decision of Roe v. Wade would not have been made in 1949. Even in 1973, it was a progressive decision. The problem of abortion has existed for theentire history of this country (and beyond), but had never been addressed becausediscussing these issues was not socially acceptable. A culture of not discussing issues thathave a profound impact on women is a culture that encourages women to be powerless. The right of abortion became a major issue. Before 1970, about a million abortions weredone every year, of which only about ten thousand were legal. Perhaps a third of thewomen having illegal abortions mostly poor people had to be hospitalized forcomplications. How many thousands died as a result of these illegal abortions no onereally knows. But the illegalization of abortion clearly worked against the poor, for therich could manage either to have their baby or to have their abortion under safeconditions. (See Endnote #3)A critic of the womenââ¬â¢s movement would quickly remind us that women have aright to decline marriage and sex, and pursue their individual interests. However, I wouldargue that the social pressure women must endure if they do not conform to their expectedrole is unfair. The problem goes beyond social conformity and crosses into governmentintervention (or lack thereof). The 1980ââ¬â¢s saw the pendulum swing against the womenââ¬â¢smovement. Violent acts a gainst women who sought abortions became common and thegovernment was unsympathetic to the victims. There are parallels between the SouthernBlackââ¬â¢s civil rights movement and the womenââ¬â¢s movement: Blacks have long beenaccustomed to the white government being unsympathetic to violent acts against them. Imagery of Oedipus the King EssayTransportation Agency, Santa Clara (480 U.S. 616 (1987)). Mr. Paul E. Johnson filedsuit against the Santa Clara County Transportation Agency when he was denied apromotion, feeling the companyââ¬â¢s affirmative action plan denied him of his civil rights. Some interesting facts were presented in this case:Specifically, 9 of the 10 Para-Professionals and 110 of the 145 Office and ClericalWorkers were women. By contrast, women were only 2 of the 28 Officials andAdministrators, 5 of the 58 Professionals, 12 of the 124 Technicians, none of the SkilledCrafts Workers, and 1 who was Joyce of the 110 Road Maintenance Workers. (See Endnote # 7)The above statistics show women have been considerably underrepresented at theSanta Clara County Transportation Agency. These numbers are not uncommon and arefound throughout business. It is interesting to note the current popular perception is thataffirmative action precludes white males from finding employment with companies thatimplement these plans. The truth is in the numbers, however. The fact that Mr. Johnsonfelt he was denied his civil rights because an equally qualified woman was given apromotion, instead of him, is just a small window into the subtle sexism that exists today. Most critics of affirmative action do not consider the grossly unequal numbers of men inmanagement and professional positions. Secondly, it never seems an issue of debate that awoman may have had no other previous life opportunities in these male dominated areas. I do not intend to argue that affirmative action is good or bad, but only wish to point outthat the current backlash against these programs is heavily rooted in sexism and racism. Often blatant violence or unfair acts against a group of people will cause thatgroup to pull together and empower themselves against their oppressors. The womenââ¬â¢smovement has made large steps to eliminate many of these blatantly sexist acts in the lastcentury. Now the real difficulty is upon us: subtle acts of sexism and the degrading socialroles of women in todayââ¬â¢s conservative culture. Alice Brooks so eloquently described herexperiences with inequality, stating, ââ¬Å"the worse pain came from those little things peoplesaid or did to me.â⬠As these ââ¬Å"little thingsâ⬠accumulate in the experience of a youngwoman, she increasingly finds herself powerless in her relationships, employment,economics, and society in general. The female child has as many goals as the male child,but st atistically she is unable to realize these goals because of the obstacles that societysets in front of her. Society and media attempt to create an illusion that women haveevery right that men enjoy. However, women will never be equal until the day femalescientists, intellectuals, professionals, military leaders, and politicians are just as acceptedand encouraged to participate in all of societyââ¬â¢s arenas as males. Endnotes:1. The Ethnic Moment, By P.L. Fetzer. Page 572. Constitutional Law Cases Essays, By S. Goldman. Page 205. 3. A Peopleââ¬â¢s History Of The United States, By Howard Zinn. Page 499. 4. Beyond Black And White, By M. Marable. Page 40-41. 5. Constitutional Law Cases Essays, By S. Goldman. Page 767. 6. The Ethnic Moment, By P. L. Fetzer. Page 234. 7. Constitutional Law Cases Essays, By S. Goldman. Page 784. Bibliography:Fetzer, Philip L. The Ethnic Moment, The Search For Equality In The American Experience. New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 1997. Goldman, Sheldon. Constitutional Law Cases Essays, Second Edition. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991. Marable, Manning. Beyond Black White. New York: Verso, 1995. Zinn, Howard. A Peopleââ¬â¢s History of The United States. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1980.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
The Difference Between Book Reports and Book Writing
The Difference Between Book Reports and Book WritingThe term 'book reports' generally refers to several distinct product types, including report-writing services, teaching materials, catalogs, and other publications. In many instances, however, the term is actually used to refer to one of two products, namely textbooks, and the articles they contain. The difference between a textbook and an article is that an article is not solely designed to be read. Rather, it is designed for publication as a printed document, a catalog, or a guide to some other entity.In contrast, a textbook is a collection of written documents that are designed to be consumed in order to fulfill a certain need or desire. Books are sold in any bookstore, university library, or online. They are sold in single volumes and in collections of multiple volumes. They can also be used as a reference tool and as a course tool.In a sense, there are two distinct ways to think about these two concepts. One way to think about them is to view them as products. A product is an item that is intended to be purchased, or used, for the owner's specific needs or desires. This type of item can be designed to satisfy a person's basic needs or wants. A product could be designed for a specific purpose or it could be designed to fulfill a need or want for educational purposes.Another way to think about them is to view them as forms that are made for educational purposes, and for the purpose of publishing. These types of forms can be created for any reason, but they typically do not offer the inherent benefit of being bought and used by a specific individual.If you are a book report writing professional, then the idea of using the term 'book reports' to refer to your work is an antiquated concept. As far as you are concerned, you are creating book reports for the sake of creating them. If you continue to create book reports for reasons other than a need or desire for their creation, then you are a freelancer, not a p rofessional book reports writer.By that same token, if you are working for a corporation or BPO, then you are providing services for the purpose of being a BPO. You will be the case officer, secretary, or assistant. The term 'book reports' is more appropriate in this instance, because these products are designed to facilitate an organizational function.In the case of the term 'book reports', there is no fundamental issue. They are all ways of supporting a business function, whether those functions are designed to fulfill the needs of a specific need or want, or they are designed to be used as instructional guides for the purpose of facilitating instructional process. In either instance, the results are the same.In conclusion, 'book reports' should be used to refer to a product category, and not to an individual style of writing. Writers who are a part of this specialized group of professionals often provide classes and seminars related to this topic. Those writers who provide BPO se rvice are also considered book reports writers.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
College Applications Essay Topics
College Applications Essay TopicsThe College Application Essay topics are the specific topics that college admissions officers will ask you in the essay section of your college admissions application. The College Application Essay topics are usually questions about your past academic performance, course work, volunteer experience, service to others, and experiences of interest to the admissions officers.Of course, the College Admission Essay topics vary from college to college. The student's research, decision making, writing skills, and general personality, for example, will determine the topics for the essay. Each college requires its own unique essays for each student. However, the College Application Essay topics can include essay topics that you can use to save time, generate new ideas, and enhance your essay.The College Application Essay topics are designed to provide the college applicants with information and guidance. Your essay will offer insight into your life and experien ces, as well as help to prepare you for the admissions process.After your essay is reviewed, the college admissions officers will include your information in your college applications. To prepare your essay for college admissions, you will want to be sure to follow directions exactly. Of course, you can be sure to include sufficient and unique information that the college will not utilize in its decision making process. You can use tips to add new information or ideas to your essay. Once you have mastered the College Application Essay topics, you can then review the College Application Essay guidelines and then incorporate the College Application Essay topics that apply to your life.Most college applicants have not completed their college applications. Therefore, there are college applications that don't have the essays, or there are older college applications that do not have the essays. It is important to review your essay carefully. The college admissions officer will request a c opy of your submitted essay. If your essay is your strongest point, you will want to revise your essay to increase the relevance of your essay.The College Application Essay topics are just one aspect of the college applications essay. You will also be required to take the SAT, ACT, or SAT Subject Test, participate in a mock interview, participate in a tutoring session, and participate in an interview. Each of these steps will require different research, writing, and decision making skills. You may want to save these particular types of essays until your SAT or ACT scores come back.You may want to review the College Application Essay topics that apply to your life, especially if you have never been asked to write for a college admissions interview. If you are more of a social animal, or your life has not provided much in the way of extracurriculars, you may want to check your college applications for the College Application Essay topics that you will likely be asked to write. But, if you have a lot of information to include in your College Application Essay, you may want to reserve the essay topics for your SAT or ACT scores. Regardless of what types of college applications you are applying for, the College Application Essay topics will help you write your essay well.
Friday, March 13, 2020
The Definitive Manual to Informative Essay Samples College
The Definitive Manual to Informative Essay Samples College There's plenty if useful information regarding the Web. Figure out which of the topics, you currently have a fairly good background on which will make it possible for you to have a relative edge. So instead, identify the particular areas that you want to tackle. Informative Essay Samples College - the Story Writing an effective beginning for your informative essay will enhance your odds of accomplishing your aim of supplying your readers with pertinent details on your topic. Reading your essay out loud can help you notice areas wherever your writing might be unclear or awkwardly worded. Writing an informative essay is just one of many assignments that you need to tackle. Writing an outline isn't obligatory. Understanding Informative Essay Samples College While it requires strong will to prevent smoking but once you intend to give up, it's possible to definitely do. Possessing the middle already written should provi de you a sense of the way to start the introduction in an intriguing manner that will lead until the very first body paragraph. Smoking is seen as a style symbol in young boys. Possessing another person proofread your essay is always a great idea. Prior exposure or knowledge about a specific subject provides better hindsight which may bring improved arguments on the issue. If at all possible, have somebody else read your essay and extend their tips for improvement. You are searching for only facts. Afterwards, the greatest action to do is to narrow the subject down according to the guidelines offered by your professor. Remember, your objective is to educate your reader without attempting to persuade her or him. As soon as you decided on the subject, it's time to sit down and spend a few hours or more based on the assignment's volume on the informative essay outline. The writing process is going to be a pleasure, and your reader will delight in reading your bit of academic writing. A student could possibly be running out of time on account of the overloaded schedule. Which is the reason we have given you some informative essay samples that can assist you with your own. To begin with, you should comprehend what distinguishes informative essays from some other kinds of academic papers. Read on to find out more about how to construct an informative essay, and examples of informative essays to aid you in getting started. The greatest informative essays aren't only educational, they're also intriguing and thought provoking. When writing an essay, make sure that you know exactly what type of essay you should write. To be able to compose a superior informative essay, the author must comprehend the topic, his audience, format, and technique involved in that special essay. First and foremost it's vital to be sure that you comprehend the essay question fully and your essay answers each part of the question adequately. If an overall topic was given, the author could seem further and deeper into a less explored aspect of this issue and write about doing it. If you wish to compose the essay yourself, we believe it would be best to select a universal subject or issue. The very first step to writing an informative essay is to pick a topic that is relevant to the given prompt. Take into consideration the subject of the history essay you've already written before. If you wish to write a very good history essay you'd better opt for a topic that is familiar to you. Essentially, informative essay is about explaining a topic with excellent detail. Since an informative essay is meant to educate your audience about a specific topic, to decide on the perfect one is important. The Lost Secret of Informative Essay Samples College It is crucial to finish the entire informative essay on an epic note in the event the author wants the reading audience to remember his brilliant thoughts and go on researching the issue. The conclusion of essay, that's the previous part, should become your opportunity to earn your readers understand the entire point of your topic. Your introduction needs to be catchy enough to grab the interest of your readers. After introducing your topic sentence, it's time to stick to the CCE format to craft the most essential portion of the ess ay. Make certain that everything in that paragraph is related to the topic sentence. Before you create the true outline for your speech, you want to choose your subject of interest. Ideally, the very first sentence of each paragraph within the body of your informative essay should give the idea on which the whole paragraph was centered. In the event you cannot find your subject here, don't hesitate to have a talk with our staff and put an order for a customized history essay on your distinct subject.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
How to Use Your Duke Admissions Essay Topic
How to Use Your Duke Admissions Essay TopicYour Duke Admissions Essay topic will not only be what you want to say, but it will be what your words will be read. The type of essay that a person writes may vary, but for all practical purposes the same steps are used in writing an acceptance or rejection essay. You will be asked to write something that will ask the reader to learn more about you and your strengths and weaknesses.The most common Duke Admission Essay topics are based on the person who is writing the application. These can include what hobbies or interests they have, what they like or dislike, whether they will get along with their classmates and what they feel is worth studying in school. By making the introduction to your essay informative and personal, the first paragraph alone can get you past the 'readiness' phase.The next part of the Duke Application is the objective of the essay. This must be stated clearly and concisely so that it will draw in the attention. Before writing about your interests, hobbies, family, or background, make sure that your objective statement is written properly. Some schools will prefer a one-sentence objective to make their decision.When writing the objective, remember that some schools do not require it, and the less time you spend worrying about the schools who do require it, the better. If it is a question about your personality, try to think about what your interviewer might ask you. Are you assertive? Think about how your personality will fit in and match your writing style to what you are trying to say.To make the essay topics easier, get a good outline and read through the following. Do not forget to consider those areas that are given above, since some colleges will only require what they need. Also remember that if you are applying for another institution, or for a different school altogether, itis important to separate your Duke Essay topic from your resume.The final step to creating the Duke Essay is creatin g your college essay topic statement. If you had planned to go for a certain degree, consider what other colleges offer and what the requirements are for your career field. Always make sure that you are dealing with the facts and not just relying on speculation. Use what the college states and be certain that you use your own experiences and insights.If you really want to make the best use of your Duke Admissions Essay, you should not worry about the actual essay. Just write it as if you were writing a job application. The more you write, the more confident you will be, which will be reflected in your submission and college interview.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Pitfall of Animal Persuasive Essay Topics
The Pitfall of Animal Persuasive Essay Topics What Everybody Dislikes About Animal Persuasive Essay Topics and Why Women ought to be fined each time they scream. Students are accustomed to the fact which their professors give them with the assignment's topic. Then you're interested in figuring out how to compose persuasive paper. Discussing something which you're familiar isn't only more fun but also a ton simpler. The teachers don't always assign the specific topic. Students ought to be paid for studying. They always go online when they need to find something. They should be careful about posting on social media. They should be allowed to pray in school. Possessing excellent research abilities and selecting a great topic is important. Students often stress about searching for utile persuasive essay tips and searching for ideas due to the fact that they feel it's an uphill job, but the trick is to understand the essence and make a suitable outline first by planning for it correctly. Just comply with the guidelines stated above, and you'll be well on your way to writing a fantastic persuasive essay. There are a couple easy guidelines to follow as a way to be in a position to compose a very good persuasive essay. The value of research in persuasive writing may not be overstated. A detailed guide about how to compose a persuasive essay can be found on our site. To begin with, if you're arranging a persuasive speech, you ought to think about a topic that could create mental pictures in the minds of your audience. Some individuals are born with the art of persuasion while some can build on it by applying such practices and practicing. Anyway, the shortage of suitable grammar makes the listeners drop respect to the speaker. Before students begin to write, it is a very good idea for them to earn a list of the points they wish to make to their readers. A whole lot of students have a tendency to find writing a persuasive essay a little challenging on account of the essence of the essay and its dynamics. In such cases, you don't need to go for topics that require plenty of research and preparation. If you can select the matter all on your own, it's possible to produce the issue of interest! Most issues can have essays on all the aforementioned questions. There are lots of essay writing services that think they're the very best, and therefore don't be cheated and check the authentic list of the very best. The increasing number of essay writing services is wholly overwhelming. If you would like to acquire high excellent research and thesis papers in time and for an affordable price, you should probably try out using It is preferable to search online since it will conserve a plenty of time. Anyway, below, you will find topic that are best for both scenarios. There's a significant solution to your issue! Now, convince the people that there's an issue. An argumentative paper is part of the persuasion. To help students just like you find debatable topics, we've gathered a wide variety of ideas on various subjects and academic levels. It's extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you wish to avoid low superior services.
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